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 South Africa's head coach, Shukri Conrad, expressed dissatisfaction with the Newlands surface, where history witnessed the shortest Test match ever played. Describing it as "not great," Conrad attributed India's seven-wicket victory over South Africa to a mix of luck and questioned the balance between luck and skill in the game. The Test match, remarkably completed in just 106.2 overs within a day and a bit more than one session, raised concerns about the state of Test cricket.

As the SA vs IND 2nd Test concluded, Conrad, addressing reporters, remarked on the unusual brevity of the match, stating, "I don't know what people want me to say. You only need to look at the scores. 1.5-day Test match! You need to look at how they chased 80 (79). Sad state when you need more luck than skill. All the ethics and values of Test cricket go out the window." The series ultimately ended in a 1-1 draw.

When questioned about the peculiar behavior of the Newlands surface, Conrad, who previously served as a Western Province coach, expressed uncertainty about the circumstances. "I don't know what's going on here. I have moved on. Not in a position to know the goings-on between the walls here. Everybody knows the wicket wasn't great," added Conrad.

The Proteas head coach showed empathy towards Newlands chief curator Braam Mong, suggesting that Mong may have "over-prepared" the surface. Conrad acknowledged his acquaintance with Mong and defended him by stating, "I know Braam Mong. Braam is a good guy. Sometimes good guys do bad things or make mistakes. This doesn't make him a rubbish groundsman. There will be a lot of learnings for him. I might pop in here and have a word with him to see what he is seeing. You have to feel for the groundsmen too. He wants to get it right too... so the wicket might be over-prepared. Take it on the chin," concluded Conrad.

The coach's comments shed light on the complexity of pitch preparation and the challenges faced by groundsmen. The unexpected brevity of the Test match has sparked discussions not only about the playing conditions but also about the broader issues surrounding the balance between skill and external factors in cricket. As the series concluded with a draw, the focus now shifts to addressing concerns raised by the head coach and ensuring a fair and balanced playing field in future matches.

Shukri Conrad's commentary on the Newlands surface not only highlights the immediate concerns surrounding the quality of play but also delves into the broader philosophical aspects of Test cricket. His remarks about the delicate balance between luck and skill, as well as the potential impact on the ethics and values of the game, echo sentiments shared by many cricket enthusiasts.

The unusual brevity of the Test match, lasting just 106.2 overs and concluding within a day and a session, has prompted reflection on the essence of Test cricket itself. Traditionally known for its endurance, strategic brilliance, and the ability to test players' skills over an extended period, Test cricket has been a cornerstone of the sport's rich history. However, instances like the one witnessed at Newlands raise questions about the evolving nature of the game and the role of playing conditions in shaping outcomes.

Conrad's acknowledgment of the challenges faced by groundsmen, particularly his defense of Braam Mong, adds a layer of empathy to the discussion. Groundsmen play a pivotal role in preparing pitches that offer a fair contest between bat and ball. The complexity of this task is evident, and Conrad's willingness to engage with Mong to understand the nuances of pitch preparation demonstrates a constructive approach toward addressing concerns.

The call to "take it on the chin" reflects a sporting spirit, acknowledging that mistakes or challenges may occur but emphasizing the importance of learning and moving forward. It also indicates the shared responsibility among cricketing stakeholders to ensure that playing conditions uphold the integrity of the game.

As the series concludes with a draw, it sets the stage for future matches to be conducted under closer scrutiny. The discussions prompted by Conrad's comments will likely influence pitch preparation protocols and the broader conversation about maintaining the essence of Test cricket in an ever-evolving landscape.

The unexpected turns and twists in the Newlands Test have certainly ignited a dialogue that transcends the immediate outcome of the series.

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